Sunday, August 24, 2008


I'm totally psyched. I'm in Rochester with my dad!!! Herray!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Only Two More Weeks!

WOOOOO HOOOOO!!! Only two more weeks `til I move in with my dad! Hurray!!! It's F-ing awesome! All I can think about anymore is how radicle it'll be!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Sooooo much has happened since I last got on my blog! Lets start at the begining:
1) Melanie dumped Codi! I DON'T BELIVE IT!!! They are a totally perfect couple. This eventually led to the dumping of Codi's blog,, and severe depression on his end.
2) And on a brighter note, I'm moving in with my dad! I'm gonna get my own T.V., computer, and even my own office! I'm really scared and excited at the same time. I don't know how I'm gonna deal without my mom. I'm gonna miss her so much. She somehow has it in her head that I'm leaving because I hate her and I don't want to live with her. It's the exact opposite. She's the thing I'm gonna miss the most about Watertown. I just wish that she could understand.
3) I'm having an awesome going-away party. Melanie thinks that I should have Codi invite Jake, but IDK. I know that I may never see him again, but maybe it would be for the better. Besides, even if Codi did invite him, he probably wouldn't come anyway. I have this crazy idea in my head about calling him myself and asking him to come, but I know I never could. I'm to much of a chicken. It would be ridiculous anyway. Like I said before, he would never come. but I'm still allowed to imagine, right?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Still Feel Dazed...

I had a really weird dream last night. This was one of those dreams that just kind of make you dizzy and lightheaded. But in an almost good kind of way In this dream i remembr very few words. All I really remember was a certain someone (whom name or gender I will not mention for the fact that it may be awkward for both them and me) ran their fingers through my hair and whispered in my ear "Then I guess I can't show you." All I know is that we were standing on the edge of the second story of a three story parking-lot. the bar I was leaning against was red and was set up similar to that of the bars that were on the edges of the Titanic. But more curved. Their face was so close to mine and I could even, in reality, feel their breath on my neck. I think that I'll remember this one for a while. Damn, I hate it when things mess around with my head. It's bull. I don't even know why I wrote this. I probably shouldn't have. Oh well.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hello Again!

I have had to deal with not having my blog for about two weeks. I missed it. I'm at my sister's. her and Nate got into a big fight while I was here... It felt very awkward. I hate being around people when they are fighting...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Day Before I Go Home

I have to go home from my Dad's house tomorrow. When I go home I won't be able to go on my blog anymore. Until my Mom gets internet again, that is. I made a mistake today. I've been spending alot of time trying to get myself to forget about an obbsession that I had with a person at school this year. A friend of mine "accidentaly" gave me his MySpace address. I've had it sitting on my other blog since this past Thursday, and has been driving me INSANE!!! Just knowing of the existence of this adress was bad enough, but knowing THE adress, well lets just say that it was enough to "make me lose control". And I did. Because today, I went on his MySpace. It was set to private. It was nerve racking. I was so close to tears with my over stress that I had to call an expert. His stalker. Shes refreshing if you really need it.

I went to Seabreeze Water Park today with my dad. Its my favorite. I went on an actual roller coaster. Its the seventh oldest in the country. There is something about newer roller coasters that makes me nervous. Coming from someone who just rode on their first roller coaster since the age of three, I just get this safe feeling from the old ones. Its sort of a home cooked meal kind of theory. The newer style roller coasters, with the colorful steel, and the modern looking cars, just don't have that feeling of security. It doesn't have the same history. When I got to the top of the first hill of the Jack Rabbit today, I didn't feel that. looking down at the old bulky train car, on its wooden beems, I felt safe. Of course, then we dropped down a huge hill and I screamed my head off. But it was less a scream of fear by the third time I went on it than it was a scream of sheer, brain boggling delight. It was so much fun! And then, when you climb out of the seat after this exillerating ride, you can't help but want to do it again. Even I, the girl petrified of of roller coasters, did it four times! Now, I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back and go to bed. Good night all!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

Today is the 4th of July! It's one of my favorite holidays. I only have a minute to post on my blog 'cause we're leaving to go see the fireworks! I'm so excited! HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!